Best Influencer Marketing Company in India

Influencer marketing is agreat platform to reach out to the Indian market, especially the young Indian who constantly looks online for reviews. 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference. 86% of the most-viewed beauty videos on YouTube were made by influencers, compared to 14% by the beauty brand, themselves. 57% of beauty and fashion companies use influencers as part of their marketing strategies.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on using key leaders to drive your brand message to the larger market. It helps in shaping a brand perception among consumers. Influencer marketing is a very powerful tool for marketers to further build their brand especially in today’s world where a lot of it’s driven by the digital medium.

How to start a good budget for Influencer Marketing?

You should spend 25% of your total digital marketing spend on influencer marketing. Follow the below steps to begin your influencer marketing journey.

Identify your main goal for influencer marketing

Promote brand awareness and strengthen brand image. Increase social engagement and interactions. Improve conversions (e.g., newsletter subscribers, free trial sign ups, purchases, etc.).

Define a suitable influencer profile

You have to develop a suitable profile for influencer marketing.

  • Audience Data.
  • Content Quality.
  • Audience Engagement.
  • Build a Relationship.
  • Be Responsive.

Discovering potential influencers

You can discover influencers manually via looking at relevant keywords and hashtags on social media platforms to identify influencers 

Providing rewards for the influencer

You can incentivize and reward micro-influencers without exchanging money:

  • Give branded rewards over cash.
  • On-demand incentivization & rewards.
  • Make it an experience.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Influencers are often the driving force behind new trends and movements. They frequently expose audiences to new ideas, brands, and products.

  • Builds Trust and Shows Authority
  • Connects With Audiences Where They Spend the Most Time
  • Unlimited Sharing Potential

Why need Influencer marketing these days?

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that uses influencers to promote a brand to a larger market. It reinforces your brand’s reputation and fosters your credibility. The best way to measure your results is by looking at the KPIs you set in the first point.

Learn the latest trends, insights, and best practices from us. We help you to reach your goals.


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